Tasko Olevski

Tasko Olevski

Senior Software Engineer

Tasko got his Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto. He worked at an oil refinery in Canada and then joined Ramboll in California as an environmental consultant with a focus on air quality modeling. During his five-year tenure at Ramboll Tasko worked on a variety of projects applying physical and statistical models to study ambient air quality. His latest work at Ramboll was the development of a cloud-based real-time air quality modeling platform called Shair, where Tasko was involved in modeling emissions, deploying models to the cloud, and web and cloud infrastructure design and implementation. At SDSC Tasko is part of Renku, working on a wide variety of backend components responsible for authentication, authorization, and launching sessions, as well as the Renku CLI tool.



Improving snow avalanche forecasting by data-driven automated predictions
Energy, Climate & Environment


Hendrick, M.; Techel, F.; Volpi, M.; Olevski, T.; Pérez-Guillén, C.; Herwijnen, A. V.; Schweizer, J. "Automated prediction of wet-snow avalanche activity in the Swiss Alps" Journal of Glaciology 69 277 1365-1378 2023 View publication
Pérez-Guillén, C.; Techel, F.; Hendrick, M.; Volpi, M.; van Herwijnen, A.; Olevski, T.; Obozinski, G.; Pérez-Cruz, F.; Schweizer, J. "Weather, snowpack and danger ratings data for automated avalanche danger level predictions" Available at: https://www.doi.org/10.16904/envidat.330 2022 View publication
Hendrick, M.; Techel, F.; Volpi, M.; Olevski, T.; Pérez-Guillén, C.; van Herwijnen, A.; Schweizer, J. "Automated prediction of wet-snow avalanche activity in Switzerland" EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts EGU22-7403 2022 View publication
Pérez-Guillén, C.; Techel, F.; Hendrick, M.; Volpi, M.; van Herwijnen, A.; Olevski, T.; Obozinski, G.; Pérez-Cruz, F.; Schweizer, J. "Data-driven automated predictions of the avalanche danger level for dry-snow conditions in Switzerland" Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 2031–2056 2022 View publication
Pérez-Guillén, C.; Hendrick, M.; Techel, F.; van Herwijnen, A.; Volpi, M.; Olevski, T.; Pérez-Cruz, F.; Obozinski, G.; Schweizer, J. "Data-driven automatic predictions of avalanche danger in Switzerland" EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts EGU21–6154 2021 View publication

Mentioned in

October 28, 2021

DEAPSnow | Supporting avalanche forecasting in the Swiss Alps using machine learning

DEAPSnow | Supporting avalanche forecasting in the Swiss Alps using machine learning

The creation of avalanche bulletins is still a largely expert-driven and manual task. DEAPSnow aims to explore the feasibility of using data-driven models to support the process of avalanche danger forecast.

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