Call for End-User Innovation Projects

The objective of this call is to initiate collaboration projects that ensure that novelty developed in an academic or research context achieves its full potential in production and end-user contexts.

We are looking to support collaborations aimed at, but not limited to:

  • The industrialization of research prototypes, developed for instance in academic contexts, in the form of data products or licensable software with clear market potential.
  • The adoption of data science solutions designed by academic/research organizations in public sector entities such as cantonal administrations or federal offices, benefiting their end-users.
  • The translation of machine learning models created in specific domains, such as R&D teams or clinical research, into robust applications benefiting specific end-users, such as practitioners and their patients.

Especially welcome are projects in, but not limited to, the following domains:

  • Energy and sustainability: sustainable manufacturing, energy forecasting and optimization, sustainable environments and mobility.
  • Health and biomedical: biomedical data science, precision medicine and collaborative frameworks for patient welfare.
  • Societal transformation: enablement of public administration for better serving Swiss-based population; public/social service and humanitarian-focused organizations.


Important dates

  • Submission of pre-proposals — July 15, 2024
  • Invitation to submit full proposals — August 19, 2024
  • Submission of full proposals — September 30, 2024
  • Final decision on full proposals — November 30, 2024
  • Start of projects — Q1, 2025


2024 Call for End-User Innovation Projects

Please read the following documentation and submit your pre-proposal through the portal.

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Call for Collaborative Research Data Science Projects

To support researchers in solving research questions, incorporating expertise and data science techniques to create scientific impact.
call for data science project

Call for End-User Innovation Projects

To ensure that novelty developed unleashes its full  potential in production and end-user contexts, serving a community or society at large.

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To support Swiss National ORD mandates enabling researchers to build, use and reuse data science infrastructures.