ETH Zurich | Empowering data-driven science

ETH Zurich
May 16, 2019
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December 15, 2020

DeepEphys | Identifying biomarkers of Parkinson's disease with pluripotent stem cells

DeepEphys | Identifying biomarkers of Parkinson's disease with pluripotent stem cells

Parkinson’s disease is a severe neurodegenerative disorder that affects an increasing number of people in the world. Understanding the underlying mechanisms and the neuronal basis of this disease is a key step in the endeavor to develop new therapies.
April 27, 2023

The SDSC collaborates with the SFOE to accelerate digital innovation in the energy sector

The SDSC collaborates with the SFOE to accelerate digital innovation in the energy sector

Data science helps deliver more precise and actionable information to policymakers and the population thanks to improved data quality. The Swiss Data Science Center collaborates with the Swiss Federal Office of Energy to push further digital innovation in the energy sector.
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November 30, 2023

Ein einfaches Dashboard erleichtert die Arbeit der Parlamentsdienste

Ein einfaches Dashboard erleichtert die Arbeit der Parlamentsdienste

Das SDSC hat einen Dashboard entwickelt mit dem die Parlamentsdienste die Zusammensetzung der Kommissionen des Nationalrats berechnen können.
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July 19, 2017

Biomedical data, navigating between public health advancements and privacy challenges

Biomedical data, navigating between public health advancements and privacy challenges

Data-driven medicine has a major downside: by transforming Medicine’s trust model, in place since Hippocrates, it creates unprecedented privacy risks that need to be urgently addressed.
November 30, 2023

La Liberté | AI to better detect plastic waste at sea [In French]

La Liberté | AI to better detect plastic waste at sea [In French]

Scientists at EPFL and Wageningen University have developed an AI model that recognizes plastic objects floating on water in satellite images.
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