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  • Hit the Hide button and it will show (yes this is counterintuitive).
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Jones, C.; Clayton, S.; Ribalet, F.; Armbrust, E. V.; Harchaoui, Z."A kernel-based change detection method to map shifts in phytoplankton communities measured by flow cytometry"129.01687-1698View publication
Aeberhard, W. H.; Cantoni, E.; Field, C.; Künsch, H. R.; Mills Flemming, J.; Xu, X."Robust estimation for discrete‐time state space models"484.01127-1147View publication
Schenk, M.; Coyle, L.; Giovannozzi, M.; Krymova, E.; Mereghetti, A.; Obozinski, G.; Pieloni, T."Modeling Particle Stability Plots for Accelerator Optimization Using Adaptive Sampling"IPAC2021View publication
Donner, C.; Tagasovska, N.; He, G.; Mulleners, K.; Shimazaki, H.; Obozinski, G."Learning interpretable latent dynamics for a 2D airfoil system"View publication
Aeberhard, W. H.; Cantoni, E.; Marra, G.; Radice, R."Robust fitting for generalized additive models for location, scale and shape"3111.01-16View publication
Taylor, A.; Zotz, G.; Weigelt, P.; Cai, L.; Karger, D. N.; König, C.; Kreft, H."Vascular epiphytes contribute disproportionately to global centres of plant diversity"3162-74View publication
Warne, D. J.; Ebert, A.; Drovandi, C.; Hu, W.; Mira, A.; Mengersen, K."Hindsight is 2020 vision: a characterisation of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic"201.01868View publication
Safin, A.; Bouffard, D.; Runnalls, J.; Georgatos, F.; Bouillet, E.; Ozdemir, F.; Perez Cruz, F.; Šukys, J."Data assimilation in lake Geneva using the SPUX framework"19564View publication
Hendrick, M.; Pérez-Guillén, C.; Van Herwijnen, A.; Schweizer, J."Machine learning as a tool for avalanche forecasting"View publication
Descombes, P.; Baltensweiler, A.; Meuli, R. G.; Karger, D. N.; Ginzler, C.; Zurell, D.; Zimmermann, N. E."Spatial modelling of ecological indicator values improves predictions of plant distributions in complex landscapes"431448-1463View publication
Dong, X.; Thanou, D.; Rabbat, M.; Frossard, P."Learning Graphs From Data: A Signal Representation Perspective"363.044-63View publication
Wüest, R. O.; Zimmermann, N. E.; Zurell, D.; Alexander, J. M.; Fritz, S. A.; Hof, C.; Kreft, H.; Normand, S.; Cabral, J. S.; Szekely, E.; Thuiller, W.; Wikelski, M.; Karger, D. N."Macroecology in the age of Big Data – Where to go from here?"471-12View publication
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