
This component uses Transforms (Move Down 100%) to hide and show modal (on Tablet) so that filters apply once the user hits the apply button (optimal UX). Using the display: hidden will prevent the apply button from working.

To show and hide the modal for editing purposes on Tablet:
  • Select the filters1_filters-wrapper inside the parent div filters1_layout div.
  • Hit the Hide button and it will show (yes this is counterintuitive).
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Pentina, A.; Ben-David, S."Multi-task kernel Learning Based on Probabilistic Lipschitzness"682-701View publication
Utkovski, Z.; Pradier, M. F.; Stojkoski, V.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Kocarev, L.; Hernandez Montoya, A. R."Economic complexity unfolded: Interpretable model for the productive structure of economies"138.0e0200822View publication
Zhang, Y.; Humbert, M.; Rahman, T.; Li, C.; Pang, J.; Backes, M."Tagvisor: A Privacy Advisor for Sharing Hashtags"287-296View publication
Boloix-Tortosa, R.; Murillo-Fuentes, J. J.; Payan-Somet, F. J.; Perez-Cruz, F."Complex Gaussian Processes for Regression"2911.05499-5511View publication
Brunner, D.; Mueller, M.; Jaehn, M.; Graf, P.; Meyer, J.; Hueglin, C.; Pentina, A.; Perez Cruz, F.; Emmenegger, L."A low-cost sensor network to monitor the CO2 emissions of the city of Zurich"View publication
Achanta, R.; Marquez Neila, P.; Fua, P.; Süsstrunk, S."Scale-Adaptive Superpixels"View publication
Martin, H.; Bucher, D.; Suel, E.; Zhao, P.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Raubal, M."Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Purpose Imputation"View publication
Fluri, J.; Kacprzak, T.; Refregier, A.; Amara, A.; Lucchi, A.; Hofmann, T."Cosmological constraints from noisy convergence maps through deep learning"9812.0123518View publication
Zhou, R.; Achanta, R.; Süsstrunk, S."Deep Residual Network for Joint Demosaicing and Super- Resolution"View publication
Cespedes, J.; Olmos, P. M.; Sanchez-Fernandez, M.; Perez-Cruz, F."Probabilistic MIMO Symbol Detection With Expectation Consistency Approximate Inference"674.03481-3494View publication
Ferrari, V.; Hebert, M.; Sminchisescu, C.; Weiss, Y.; Collins, E.; Achanta, R.; Süsstrunk, S."Deep Feature Factorization for Concept Discovery"11218352-368View publication
Ruiz, F. J. R.; Valera, I.; Svensson, L.; Perez-Cruz, F."Infinite Factorial Finite State Machine for Blind Multiuser Channel Estimation"42.0177-191View publication
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