Exklusiver KI-Check-up für KMU
Saurabh Bhargava, joined the SDSC as a Principal Data Scientist in the Industry Cell at the Zürich office in 2022. Saurabh previously worked in the retail sector and the advertising industry in Germany. He lead and built various data products for customers using state of the art machine learning methods and industrializing them thereby adding value for the customers. He completed his PhD from ETH Zürich in June 2017 specializing in machine learning applications on Audio data. He obtained his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from EPFL and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India in 2011 and 2009 respectively. His interests and expertise are in combining state of the art data science and data engineering tools for building scalable data products.
Christian joined the SDSC in July 2021 as a data scientist in the industry cell. Before that he worked at the Media Technology Center at ETH Zurich to develop new ML technology for their industry partners. He completed his Master's degree in Mathematics at ETH Zurich (2017) with focus on algorithmics and machine learning. After his studies he worked as a online marketing data analyst in the news publishing business. His expertise lies in statistics, NLP and software engineering.
Lucas joined the SDSC's industry cell as a Data Scientist in November 2020, having previously worked in data related roles at the New York State Attorney and at Ericsson. He holds a BSc in Economics from Bocconi University, a MSc in Urban Science and Informatics from New York University as well as a MSc in Machine Learning from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Over the course of his academic and professional career he has worked on a variety of topics, from computer vision tasks for automated driving to financial fraud detection to generating data driven insights to inform urban policy decisions.
Matthias Galipaud obtained his PhD in evolutionary biology in 2012 from the University of Burgundy in Dijon (France), and held postdoctoral positions as a mathematical biologist at the university of Bielefeld (Germany) and the university of Zurich, where he researched the evolutionary theories of aging and mate choice. In 2020, he became a data scientist, developing machine learning solutions for startups in Switzerland and Australia before joining the SDSC Innovation Team in November 2022.
Silvia holds an MSc in Computer Science from EPFL and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of York, UK. She has been a senior research fellow at the University of Trento and later at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Here, she had the chance to work on Marie Curie and ERC projects relating to natural language processing. From 2012 to 2019, she was a Senior Manager and NLP expert at ELCA Informatique Switzerland, whose AI department she helped create and expand. Silvia joined the Swiss Data Science Center in 2019 and is currently its Chief Transformation Officer, in charge of the team leading organizations to digital transformation.
Anna joined SDSC as a Data Scientist focusing on industry collaborations in July 2019. She completed her PhD in Bioinformatics at the University of Luxembourg, where she analysed large-scale heterogeneous datasets and leveraged multiple disciplines: Statistics, Network Analysis, and Machine Learning. Before joining SDSC, Anna worked as a Data Scientist at Deloitte Luxembourg, with a focus on computer vision and time-series analysis.Currently, Anna is a Principal Data Scientist based at the ETH Zurich office, where she leads biomedical collaborations with industry partners. Anna works on a range of projects: protein properties prediction, biomanufacturing optimization, statistical model evaluation and others.
Liebe KI-interessierte Unternehmen,
Haben Sie sich im Zuge des rasanten Auftriebs von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auch schon gefragt, wie Ihnen dies konkret im Geschäftsalltag nützt?
Als Programmpunkt der Informatiktage 2025 haben die Standortförderung des Kantons Zürich, die ETH Industry Relations und das Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) ein spezielles Programm entworfen: Herzlich laden wir Sie zu einem exklusiven KMU-Anlass ein, der Ihnen den Nutzen von KI näher bringt und konkrete Ansätze und Hilfestellungen für Ihren Unternehmensalltag aufzeigt.
Entmystifizieren Sie mit uns das grosse Thema KI und lernen Sie anhand von Praxisbeispielen, wie man mit kleinen Schritten eine gezielte Wirkung entfalten kann. Diskutieren Sie beim ausgedehnten Frühstück Ihre aktuellen Herausforderungen mit unseren Experten. Während des Check-ups prüfen unsere SDSC-Experten die KI-Tauglichkeit Ihres Unternehmens anhand Ihrer Informationen und Daten. In Einzelgesprächen skizzieren sie Ansätze für das KI-Potenzial und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Ihrem Unternehmen. Lassen Sie sich beraten, auf welche Fragestellungen welche KI-Methoden die effektivsten Antworten liefern können.
Teilnahmebedingungen: Die Teilnahme ist für Sie kostenfrei. Um Ihnen den grösstmöglichen Mehrwert zu bieten, halten wir die Zahl der Teilnehmenden klein. Bewerben Sie sich jetzt für dieses einzigartige KI-Check-up Programm! Hier geht es zur Anmeldung.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihre Swiss Data Science Center, Standortförderung des Kantons Zürich, ETH Industry Relations
KI-Check-up für KMU
Freitag, 28. März 2025
8:30 - 12:00 Uhr mit Brunch
“Swiss AI Tower" - Andreasturm (14. Etage)
Andreasstrasse 5
8092 Zürich-Oerlikon
08:30 Ankunft & Kennenlernen bei Kaffee, Gipfeli & Müsli
09:00 Einführung, Informations- und Datenanalyse
· Vorstellung SDSC, Standortförderung Kanton Zürich, ETH Industry Relations
· Einführung: Entmystifizierung der KI für KMU
· Fallstudien: KI in der Produktion, Logistik und Dienstleistung
· Auswertung eingereichter Problemstellungen
10:00 „KI-Check-up“: Einzelfallbesprechung & Brunch-Buffet
11:30 Offene Feedbackrunde & Zusammenfassung
12:00 Veranstaltungsende
Über das Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
Ab 2025 agiert das Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) als nationale Forschungsinfrastruktur mit dem Auftrag, effizientes Datenmanagement, maschinelle Lernmethoden und KI in der gesamten Schweiz zu etablieren und die digitale Transformation von Schweizer Unternehmen und Organisationen zu unterstützen. Mehr Informationen: www.datascience.ch
Über die Standortförderung im Amt für Wirtschaft, Kanton Zürich
Wir fördern Innovationen und unterstützen Unternehmen – von der Gründung bis zur Vernetzung in den Zürcher Schlüsselbranchen. Mit unserer Plattform «Innovation Zurich» bieten wir Orientierung sowie Informationen zum Innovationsstandort. Ansässige Unternehmen unterstützen wir mit dem Angebot «KMU und Innovation» bei ihren Innovationsvorhaben. Zudem sind wir auch Anlaufstelle für Anliegen von ansiedlungsinteressierten Unternehmen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: zh.ch/standort | innovation.zuerich | kmu-innovation.zuerich
Über ETH Industry Relations
Sucht Ihr Unternehmen Forschungspartner an der ETH Zürich? ETH Industry Relations unterstützt Sie bei der Suche nach kompetenten Partnern, organisiert Besuche und Workshops und bietet Beratung zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Forschungskollaborationen. Mehr Informationen: https://ethz.ch/de/wirtschaft/industry/collaborations.html
Other events
Synthetic Data for Biomedical Applications
Before joining SDSC, Arshjot Khehra received his MSc in Artificial Intelligence from USI Lugano, where he completed his thesis on hierarchical graph reinforcement learning. Previously, he worked for 4+ years across India and Singapore gaining data science experience in insurance, logistics, and manufacturing sectors. He also holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering from PEC Chandigarh. Over the course of his career, Arshjot worked on a wide array of projects, such as, handwritten text recognition and generation, voice matching across phone call recordings, policy lapse rate prediction for customer retention, and automated insurance claim processing.
Matthias Galipaud obtained his PhD in evolutionary biology in 2012 from the University of Burgundy in Dijon (France), and held postdoctoral positions as a mathematical biologist at the university of Bielefeld (Germany) and the university of Zurich, where he researched the evolutionary theories of aging and mate choice. In 2020, he became a data scientist, developing machine learning solutions for startups in Switzerland and Australia before joining the SDSC Innovation Team in November 2022.
Valerio started his career working for 7 years as a particle-physics researcher at CERN. There, he used state-of-the-art techniques to extract information from data, especially to search for traces of dark matter in particle collisions. Since 2016, he has worked in consulting, applying data science in several industries. First, he joined the Quant team of Ernst & Young in Geneva. Later, he created his own company, SamurAI sàrl, providing consulting services for his clients. He also has a passion for teaching very complex subjects in simple terms. That is why he particularly enjoys offering training programs to private companies and universities. Valerio joined the SDSC in Mai 2022 as a Principal Data Scientist with the mission of accompanying industrial partners and other institutions through their data science journey.
Data Science for the Sciences
Guillaume Obozinski graduated with a PhD in Statistics from UC Berkeley in 2009. He did his postdoc and held until 2012 a researcher position in the Willow and Sierra teams at INRIA and Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. He was then Research Faculty at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech until 2018. Guillaume has broad interests in statistics and machine learning and worked over time on sparse modeling, optimization for large scale learning, graphical models, relational learning and semantic embeddings, with applications in various domains from computational biology to computer vision.
ENID | Enabling Innovation with Data Science at UNIL-EPFL
Dr. Olivier Verscheure is the director and founder of the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC). Olivier also co-leads a joint training program between EPFL and HEC Lausanne, specifically designed for senior executives. Since 2018, Olivier has been a member of the Board of Directors of Lonza, a global leader in the life sciences sector. This company provides products and services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and specialized healthcare industries.Olivier began his career at IBM Research after earning his Ph.D. in computer science from EPFL. He held several research and leadership positions at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in New York and co-created and co-directed the IBM Research center in Dublin, Ireland, before joining the EPFL in 2016.
Matthias Galipaud obtained his PhD in evolutionary biology in 2012 from the University of Burgundy in Dijon (France), and held postdoctoral positions as a mathematical biologist at the university of Bielefeld (Germany) and the university of Zurich, where he researched the evolutionary theories of aging and mate choice. In 2020, he became a data scientist, developing machine learning solutions for startups in Switzerland and Australia before joining the SDSC Innovation Team in November 2022.
Olivier joined the SDSC as a data scientist focused on industry collaborations in February 2023. He obtained a MSc in Physics (2017) from EPFL with a minor in Mathematics, and a PhD in Astrophysics (2021) from Aix-Marseille University. Before joining the SDSC, he worked in a small start-up, as a data scientist, on a variety of topics, including data wrangling, natural language processing and time series forecasting.
Clément became part of the SDSC team in January 2019, assuming the role of a Data Scientist with an emphasis on industry-oriented projects. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, acquired in 2016 from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. Following this, he earned a Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering in 2018, also from EPFL. Throughout his academic journey, Clément concentrated on leveraging Data Science and Machine Learning techniques to enhance efficiency in industrial processes. Subsequently, he developed a specialized interest in Generative AI, with a particular focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially in the application of Large Language Models for innovation.
Thibaut holds a B.Sc in Computer Science from HEIG-VD. Before joining the SDSC, he worked in startups where he developped a diverse skill set combining cloud infrastructure, database and application development. Thibaut is very enthusiatic about new technologies and best coding practices and he is looking forward to supporting the team and its projects.
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