
Citizen-controlled Data Science for Multiple Sclerosis Research

April 1, 2018
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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex chronic disease whose manifestation depends on clinical, environmental and individual factors and for which prediction of individual progression is poor and often treatment decisions are hampered by the lack of objective parameters (e.g., related to fatigue).

MS data was employed as the use case within the MIDATA project which aims at developing an ethically fair and secure data infrastructure that permits collection, integration and analysis of diverse types of data under the control of the citizen/patient.

The task of SDSC within this project was to extract data from the doctor's reports collected and stored with the hospital software kisim. A doctor's report is a semi-structured text of a few to several dozen lines where each line is associated with a topic such as diagnosis, current state, history, MRI or medication. The neurology clinic at the university hospital of Zurich USZ has developed and is maintaining the database seantis to store MS patients records in a structured manner. So far, the seantis database has been filled manually by transcribing information from the doctor's reports to the corresponding fields.



SDSC Team:
Fernando Perez-Cruz
Lilian Gasser
Luis Salamanca

PI | Partners:

ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology:

  • Dr. Ernst Hafen

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ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science:

  • Prof. Dr. Gunnar Rätsch
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Holz
  • Dr. Cristobal Esteban Aizpiri
  • Liliana Barrios

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USZ, Klinik für Neurologie:

  • Dr. med. Andreas Lutterotti
  • Marc Hilty
  • Dr. med. Roland Martin

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BFH Bern, Institute for Medical Informatics:

  • Dr. François von Kaenel

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ETH Zurich, Scientific IT Services

  • Bräunlich Gerhard

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Semi-automatic update of the MS database seantis using the doctor's reports.


  • Build embedding of doctor's reports using Doc2Vec where one text line corresponds to one document.
  • Multi-class classification of text lines using embedding vectors as features and manually assigned labels as targets. This intermediate step allows to predict text line labels for new  unseen doctor's reports.
  • For specific parts of seantis (MS diagnosis, MRI information, ...), tailored classification procedures were developed to predict columns of interest, e.g. MS diagnosis type, type of MRI (spinal or cranial) and whether new and/or contrast medium enhancing lesions were detected.


Facilitate the update of the seantis database by providing predictions for fields of interest based on extracted information from doctor's reports.


Figure 1: General overview
Figure 2: Applied methodology


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