Heterogeneous data platform for operational modelling and forecasting of Swiss lakes

February 1, 2019
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The objective of this project is to advance the forecasting capabilities of the data-driven hydrological and ecological lake modeling algorithms using methodologies inspired by data science and accelerated by high performance computing.

We aim to develop a parallel framework interfacing high resolution 3D numerical solvers for the underlying lake dynamics with modern numerical Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling methods for Bayesian inference, with particular interest in investigating particle filtering and multi-level variance reduction methodologies. The resulting framework aims at accurate data assimilation and uncertainty quantification in both model parameters and the associated forecasts.

DATALAKES project is a collaboration with the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), EPF Lausanne and ETH Zurich, aiming at a sensor-to-frontend data platform providing and analyzing the dynamics of lake ecosystems at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Current version of the existing framework can be found at



SDSC Team:
Eric Bouillet
Firat Ozdemir
Fernando Perez-Cruz
Fotis Georgatos
Emma Jablonski

PI | Partners:

Eawag, Scientific Computing Group:

  • Dr. Jonas Sukys
  • Dr. Artur Safin
  • James Runnalls

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Eawag, Aquatic Physics:

  • Dr. Damien Bouffard

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EPFL, Aquatic Systems Laboratory:

  • Prof. Dr. Alfred Johny Wüest

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  • Increasing pressure on lakes needs scientific support
  • 3D numerical simulations of lakes require input data – uncertainty quantification in parameters & forecast
  • New L’EXPLORE platform in Lake Geneva – increasing availability of high resolution data


  • Sensor-to-frontend open data platform
  • Physics-driven hydrodynamic models
  • Data-driven modeling of input data processes
  • Parallel Bayesian inference – MCMC with ABC or PF
  • Multi-level speedup – hierarchical numerical models
  • Powered by Renku, the SDSC-developed platform for transparency and reproducibility in science
  • A neural network with uncertainty quantification properties in order to more accurately aggregate data from satellite imagery into the Bayesian inference


  • Real time monitoring & future forecast of lakes
  • Platform for large-scale interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Research in hydrological / ecological lake modeling
  • Scientifically grounded water resources management




  • D. Bouffard, J Runnalls, T Baracchini, E Bouillet, H E Chmiel, T Doda, B Fernández Castro, F Georgatos, S Lavanchy, C Minaudo, F Ozdemir, D Odermatt, M-E Perga, P Perolo, S Piccolroaz, M Plüss, L Råman Vinnå, M Schmid, A Safin, J Šukys, V Tran-Khac, H N. Ulloa, C L. Ramón, A Wüest. Datalakes, a data platform for Swiss lakes. In prep for Earth System Data Science
  • Safin, A., Bouffard, D., Ozdemir, F., Ramón, C. L., Runnalls, J., Georgatos, F., Minaudo, C., and Šukys, J.: A Bayesian data assimilation framework for lake 3D hydrodynamic models with a physics-preserving particle filtering method using SPUX-MITgcm v1, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7715–7730, A Bayesian data assimilation framework for lake 3D hydrodynamic models with a physics-preserving particle filtering method using SPUX-MITgcm v1 , 2022



Tagasovska, N.; Ozdemir, F.; Brando, A.; Ruiz, F.; Dy, J.; van de Meent, J. "Retrospective Uncertainties for Deep Models using Vine Copulas" Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 206 7528–7539 2023 View publication
Safin, A.; Bouffard, D.; Ozdemir, F.; Ramon, C. L.; Runnalls, J.; Georgatos, F.; Minaudo, C.; Šukys, J. "A Bayesian data assimilation framework for lake 3D hydrodynamic models with a physics-preserving particle filtering method using SPUX-MITgcm v1" Geoscientific Model Development 15 20 7715-7730 2022 View publication
Safin, A.; Bouffard, D.; Runnalls, J.; Georgatos, F.; Bouillet, E.; Ozdemir, F.; Perez Cruz, F.; Šukys, J. "Data assimilation in lake Geneva using the SPUX framework" EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19564 2020 View publication

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