Particle Accelerators and Machine Learning

January 1, 2019
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Particle accelerator facilities have a wide range of operational needs when it comes to tuning, optimization, and control. At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN reducing the risks related to the high beam power by reducing the beam losses will lead to an increase in particle collision rates and a deeper understanding of the physics mechanisms. In order to meet these demands, particle accelerators rely on interactions with control systems, on fine-tuning of machine settings by operators, on online optimization routines, and on databases of previous settings that were known to be optimal for some desired operating condition. We aim to bring Machine Learning (ML) to particle accelerator operation to increase their performance. Each of the mentioned operational needs have corresponding ML-based approaches that could be used to supplement the existing workflows. In addition, new High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and the Future Circular Collider (FCC) designs will be proposed based on the LHC findings and prepared for more effective novel FCC operation.



SDSC Team:
Ekaterina Krymova
Guillaume Obozinski

PI | Partners:

EPFL, Particle Accelerator Physics Laboratory:

  • Dr. Tatiana Pieloni
  • Dr. Michael Schenk
  • Loic Coyle

More info



The goal of the project is to apply ML techniques to increase the performance of the accelerators. In collaboration with the LHC Operation groups, we aim to evaluate automatic and semi-automatic ways to model and optimize the overall collider set-up and define the strategy for the operational aspects of future projects (i.e., HL-LHC and FCC). The main goal is to get a deeper understanding of the physics mechanisms by modeling the losses in the LHC and further optimizing the beam losses in the LHC to increase the particle collision rates. This requires developing the model of the losses and dynamic aperture (DA) in the LHC depending on the control parameters.

Proposed Approach / Solution

The models of the particle losses in the LHC which depend only on the instantaneous values of control parameters do not generalize well to unseen data. We propose to model the losses time series depending on previously observed control parameters. Using a standard reparametrization, we reformulate the model as a Kalman Filter (KF) which allows for a flexible and efficient estimation procedure (Figure 1). For modeling the particle stability related to DA based on the simulated LHC data, it was proposed to use convolutional generative adversarial networks (GAN). The loss prediction was obtained from the estimated number of survived particles predicted by the network (Figure 2).


Understanding the influence of control parameters on the losses is extremely important to improve the operation, performance, and future design of accelerators. Our models based on machine data are a valuable addition to numerical models of particle losses, which can boost and improve the understanding of particle losses and help in the design of future colliders.

Figure 1: Results of Kalman Filter (KF) trained on the data of 2017 with prediction on the fills of 2018 and corresponding input control parameters. The pink points in the top subplots correspond to the first observations that the model uses to get initial KF smoother results. The model further propagates without seeing the loss and other output values, with control parameters given as the input (bottom subplots). Two standard deviation confidence bands are shown in light blue. Figure from Krymova et al. 2022.
Figure 2: SixTrack output (real) vs model predictions (fake) for two different chromaticity and octupole settings. Figure from Schenk et al. 2021.




  • Schenk, M., Coyle, L., Pieloni, T., Obozinski, G., Giovannozzi, M., Mereghetti, A., & Krymova, E. (2021). JACoW: Modeling Particle Stability Plots for Accelerator Optimization Using Adaptive Sampling. JACoW IPAC, 2021, 1923-1926.
  • Coyle, L., Pieloni, T., Solfaroli Camillocci, M., Obozinski, G., Schenk, M., Buffat, X., Krymova, E., Wenninger, J. and Blanc, F. (2021). JACoW: Detection and Classification of Collective Beam Behaviour in the LHC. JACoW IPAC, 2021, 4318-4321.
  • Krymova E.,  Obozinski, G., Schenk, M., Coyle, L., Pieloni, T. (2023). Data-driven modeling of beam loss in the LHC. Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10.  
  • Krymova E.,  Obozinski, G., Schenk, M., Coyle, L., Pieloni, T.  (2022). Data-driven modeling of beam loss in the LHC [Data set]. Zenodo.  

Additional resources


  1. G. Apollinari et al. (including T. Pieloni) “High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL- LHC): Preliminary Design Report - Chapter 2: Machine Layout and Performances”


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