Fernando Perez-Cruz

Fernando Perez-Cruz

Former Deputy Executive Director & Chief Data Scientist
Leadership & Administration

Fernando Perez-Cruz received a PhD. in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid. He is Titular Professor in the Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich and Head of Machine Learning Research and AI at Spiden. He has been a member of the technical staff at Bell Labs and a Machine Learning Research Scientist at Amazon. Fernando has been a visiting professor at Princeton University under a Marie Curie Fellowship and an associate professor at University Carlos III in Madrid. He held positions at the Gatsby Unit (London), Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Tuebingen), and BioWulf Technologies (New York). Fernando Perez-Cruz has served as Chief Data Scientist at the SDSC from 2018 to 2023, and Deputy Executive Director of the SDSC from 2022 to 2023



In Progress
Interpretable and Robust Machine Learning for Mobility Analysis


In Progress
Feature Learning for Bayesian Inference


In Progress
LEArning to Print – towards data-driven real-time predictions for additive manufacturing


In Progress
DUal Positron Lifetime Emission Tomography


Domain-aware-AI Augmented Design of Bridge Structures


AI-augmented Architectural Design


In Progress
Enhancing toxicological testing through machine learning
Energy, Climate & Environment


Self-guided Machine Learning Algorithms for Real-Time Assimilation, Interpolation and Rendering of Flow Data


Exploring disease trajectories and outcome prediction using novel methods in network analysis and machine learning
Biomedical Data Science


Narratives in Law and Politics: A Computational Linguistics Approach
Digital Administration


Real-time urban pluvial flood forecasting
Energy, Climate & Environment


Improving snow avalanche forecasting by data-driven automated predictions
Energy, Climate & Environment


Particle Accelerators and Machine Learning
Big Science Data


Molecular structure elucidation by integrating different data mining strategies
Energy, Climate & Environment


Multiplex Networks in International Trade
Digital Administration


Heterogeneous data platform for operational modelling and forecasting of Swiss lakes
Energy, Climate & Environment


A research platform for Data-Driven Democracy Studies in Switzerland
Digital Administration


Citizen-controlled Data Science for Multiple Sclerosis Research
Biomedical Data Science


Bayesian Parameter Inference for Stochastic Models
Big Science Data


Data Science Enabled Acoustic Design


Klimovskaia, A.; Lafci, B.; Ozdemir, F.; Davoudi, N.; Dean-Ben, X. L.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Razansky, D."Signal Domain Learning Approach for Optoacoustic Image Reconstruction from Limited View Data"
Marks, M.; Knott, M.; Kondapaneni, N.; Cole, E.; Defraeye, T.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Perona, P."A Closer Look at Benchmarking Self-Supervised Pre-training with Image Classification"
Bertoli, G.; Ozdemir, F.; Schemm, S.; Perez-Cruz, F."Revisiting Machine Learning Approaches for Short- and Longwave Radiation Inference in Weather and Climate Models, Part I: Offline Performance"
Knott, M.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Defraeye, T."Facilitated machine learning for image-based fruit quality assessment"345111401
Safin, A.; Bouffard, D.; Runnalls, J.; Georgatos, F.; Bouillet, E.; Ozdemir, F.; Perez Cruz, F.; Šukys, J."Data assimilation in lake Geneva using the SPUX framework"19564
Ozdemir, F.; Lafci, B.; Dean-Ben, X. L.; Razansky, D.; Perez-Cruz, F."OADAT: Experimental and Synthetic Clinical Optoacoustic Data for Standardized Image Processing"
Schür, C.; Gasser, L.; Perez Cruz, F.; Schirmer, K.; Baity-Jesi, M."A benchmark dataset for machine learning in ecotoxicology"10
Ozdemir, F.; Lafci, B.; Dean-Ben, X. L.; Razansky, D.; Perez-Cruz, F."OADAT: Experimental and Synthetic Clinical Optoacoustic Data for Standardized Image Processing"
Utkovski, Z.; Pradier, M. F.; Stojkoski, V.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Kocarev, L.; Hernandez Montoya, A. R."Economic complexity unfolded: Interpretable model for the productive structure of economies"138.0e0200822
Boloix-Tortosa, R.; Murillo-Fuentes, J. J.; Payan-Somet, F. J.; Perez-Cruz, F."Complex Gaussian Processes for Regression"2911.05499-5511
Brunner, D.; Mueller, M.; Jaehn, M.; Graf, P.; Meyer, J.; Hueglin, C.; Pentina, A.; Perez Cruz, F.; Emmenegger, L."A low-cost sensor network to monitor the CO2 emissions of the city of Zurich"
Martin, H.; Bucher, D.; Suel, E.; Zhao, P.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Raubal, M."Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Purpose Imputation"
Cespedes, J.; Olmos, P. M.; Sanchez-Fernandez, M.; Perez-Cruz, F."Probabilistic MIMO Symbol Detection With Expectation Consistency Approximate Inference"674.03481-3494
Ruiz, F. J. R.; Valera, I.; Svensson, L.; Perez-Cruz, F."Infinite Factorial Finite State Machine for Blind Multiuser Channel Estimation"42.0177-191
Hitaj, B.; Gasti, P.; Ateniese, G.; Perez-Cruz, F."PassGAN: A Deep Learning Approach for Password Guessing"
Susmelj, A. K.; Lafci, B.; Ozdemir, F.; Davoudi, N.; Deán-Ben, X. L.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Razansky, D."Signal domain adaptation network for limited-view optoacoustic tomography"91103012
Bertoli, G.; Schemm, S.; Ozdemir, F.; Perez Cruz, F.; Szekely, E."Building a physics-constrained, fast and stable machine learning-based radiation emulator"
Stalder, S.; Perraudin, N.; Achanta, R.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Volpi, M."What You See is What You Classify: Black Box Attributions"Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)2022
Albert, C.; Ulzega, S.; Ozdemir, F.; Perez-Cruz, F.; Mira, A."Learning Summary Statistics for Bayesian Inference with Autoencoders"SciPost Physics Core53.00432022

Mentioned in

May 1, 2024

Smartair | An active learning algorithm for real-time acquisition and regression of flow field data

Smartair | An active learning algorithm for real-time acquisition and regression of flow field data

We’ve developed a smart solution for wind tunnel testing that learns as it works, providing accurate results faster. It provides an accurate mean flow field and turbulence field reconstruction while shortening the sampling time.
February 6, 2024

PassGPT | Using language models to enhance password security

PassGPT | Using language models to enhance password security

PassGPT is a Large Language Model for password generation trained on leaked passwords, which can outperform existing methods based on generative adversarial networks by guessing twice as many unseen passwords.
October 25, 2023

Computerworld | AI predicts avalanche danger [In German]

Computerworld | AI predicts avalanche danger [In German]

The AI project "DEAPSnow" takes avalanche forecasting to a whole new level.
February 28, 2023

DLBIRHOUI | Deep Learning Based Image Reconstruction for Hybrid Optoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging

DLBIRHOUI | Deep Learning Based Image Reconstruction for Hybrid Optoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging

Optoacoustic imaging is a new, real-time feedback and non-invasive imaging tool with increasing application in clinical and pre-clinical settings. The DLBIRHOUI project tackles some of the major challenges in optoacoustic imaging to facilitate faster adoption of this technology for clinical use.
September 23, 2022

What you see is what you classify: black box attributions

What you see is what you classify: black box attributions

The lack of transparency of black-box models is a fundamental problem in modern Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This work focuses on how to unbox deep learning models for image classification problems.
July 9, 2020

CarboSense4D | Modelling CO2 concentration across Switzerland

CarboSense4D | Modelling CO2 concentration across Switzerland

The goal of CarboSense4D is to produce an accurate map of the evolution of carbon dioxide over Switzerland by applying machine learning methods from a network of low-cost sensors.
November 7, 2019

Improving species biodiversity analyses and citizen science feedback through machine learning

Improving species biodiversity analyses and citizen science feedback through machine learning

The WSL and the SDSC are actively working towards the development and the study of the benefits of machine learning approaches for facilitating biodiversity assessments.

Case Studies

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